7 Common Issues of Magento e-Stores

E-commerce is the core of your business and you want to turn to Magento for your online e-store package. Why not! It has offered flexible and versatile software solutions to many online businesses, over the years. With its client list boasting of many leading e-commerce brands it is obvious for you to be eager to join the bandwagon.


But before that you must be aware of some common issues that accompany Magento’s endless offerings:

See Also:- Magento Enterprise Development Can Increase Scalability For Your Ecommerce Business

  1. If you have decided to run your startup e-store on cost effective shared hosting then Magento is not a wise option. It needs paid hosting services to keep running store stably. Moreover, it can even reach the limits of dedicated server’s capabilities for large stores specifically.

  2. With its base install around 130MB, without even including various add-ons that you might need, it is aptly called a bloatware. The file structure is archaic; you have to navigate several directories deep just to find one of the many files you need to edit.

  3. Magento’s flexible architecture also makes it complicated.  The code base is very cumbersome and developers often refer to it as “Spaghetti code”. Developers need to dedicate more time in order to get up the learning curve and become experts.

  4. Running different versions of Magento and addons on different server setups demand large amounts of developer time and intensifies maintenance issues.

  5. It needs to be consistently updated, cleaned out and tuned. Also it needs a separate set of caching layers to be instituted and maintained in order for it be actually useful at scale.

  6. The huge documentation it has revolves around how to fix problems rather than how to implement features.

  7. Magento is free as it has no upfront cost but in the long term it gets expensive. For example, cost is incurred when developers spend an inordinate amount of time optimizing and tailoring it to a store’s needs. As your store grows larger you will be forced to turn to Magento’s expensive enterprise solution.

Every application has its share of errors that can be resolved when the right procedures are followed and Magento is no exception. The good news is that there are many available third party add-ons out there to bring out the optimal performance out of Magento.

Keep yourself well informed through Outsourcing Magento France and Magento Certified Solution Spécialiste. The author skills and his proficiency is highly appreciated by the viewers.

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